TON, Telegram & Tether: A Capital T Trio

TON, Telegram & Tether: A Capital T Trio

Last month Dubai made headlines because of the heavy rains that caused flash floods with unexpected material losses. And also became a blockchain joint for the TOKEN2049 expo, where many crypto projects from every corner of the world showcased their updates in technology and most recent ecosystem enhancements and partnerships.

TON’s presentation was among the most applauded. For a reason: If TON was already strong by providing a blockchain wallet to Telegram users, now that massive number of users would also be able to make transactions in Tether’s USDT, bringing together a big community, an integrated Blockchain to a P2P communication media and one of the most common Stablecoins. 

Daoversian Azraiel

To get a clear picture of what this represents, let’s take a look at the TON’s blog announcement:

For the first time, users can take advantage of a native TON stablecoin within the ecosystem, benefiting from transfers within Telegram to any global contact for free via the Wallet in Telegram. (...) For newcomers to cryptocurrencies, USDt on TON offers an accessible entry point. It combines the advantages of digital currencies with the stability of traditional fiat currencies, greatly simplifying the crypto experience and giving beginners a secure foundation to discover the advantages of DeFi on Telegram.

Telegram has 900 million users. It means providing USDT usability to this group of people and providing them a  fast and stable medium to make payments. Now, it would be accepted for many use cases across the TON’s ecosystem within Telegram, with a catch: It would not be not be valid or useful in every country due to local regulations, even though the vast Telegram community would provide legitimacy as a super strong use case.

Daoversian haryourdhejih

The stability of any stablecoin depends on the trustworthiness of the issuing entity and its adherence to its stated policies. USDT is a stablecoin designed to maintain a stable value by pegging it to traditional fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar. Its transparency and widespread use make it an essential part of the cryptocurrency market. Tether's stability is achieved through a combination of collateral reserves, audits, market arbitrage, and market dynamics. And with more parts involved, in a wider ecosystem for many more users (on Telegram, in this case, via TON’s blockchain) stability will be consolidated at a faster pace.

Daoversian MetaverseJR

USDT's stability, liquidity, and widespread acceptance make it a valuable addition to TON through its role on Telegram, benefiting everyday users and boosting implementation and acceptance worldwide.

Who would be collecting more benefits from thisTriple Union? Would it be TON, scoring a giant use case for its fast network? Telegram, by providing one more reason to turn this channel into a personal business platform for 900M and maybe more users in the future? Or would it be Tether, by giving USDT more liquidity by adding one more reason for new users to use it instead of fiat currencies?

We invited all members of our Social Mining community to give their opinion on a task, the first of the Daoversian Decathlon, by creating a Meme gif about USDT entering the TON ecosystem via Telegram and posting that view on their X accounts.

As you can read and see in the GIFs embedded in this article, there’s hype around the topic. Most of the Daoversians point out the most obvious advantage for final users: As the message app is a massive people hub, being able to send USDT one to another with little fees involved is crucial for adoption, and, for that, the three parts involved are getting a great deal of total value.

Daoversian cansupinarrr

We thank all the participants for this task and feature the most engaging and fun submissions here. We are publishing the results of the challenge as new developments are happening.


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