The Roaring Kitty of Social Mining

The Roaring Kitty of Social Mining

Cherry Belguera.- Dedication and community engagement create lasting impacts in every big group. Victoria Flores has emerged as a shining example of someone who enables that, to herself and her peers. Victoria's journey is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the transformative potential of Social Mining. Here’s a closer look at her inspiring story, filled with insights, challenges, and triumphs that can motivate anyone entering this exciting field.

Time when she discover Social Mining

Victoria Flores, a Venezuelan housewife and former administrative assistant with 25 years of experience, discovered Social Mining almost by accident. It all started when she came across a tweet from the Telos Foundation. Intrigued by the concept, she investigated further and quickly joined DAOVERSE.

"What attracted me was that it takes place on Twitter, which I’ve always enjoyed, and the system of rewarded tasks. Doing tasks, receiving rewards, and everything on Twitter got me hooked" Victoria shares.

Twitter had long been Victoria's preferred social media platform, a space where she engaged freely, albeit without compensation. The idea that she could now earn rewards for her activities on Twitter was both novel and exciting.

Creating a Practical Guide for Beginners

Despite not being a professional in any of the roles typically associated with Social Mining, Victoria brought a wealth of experience from her previous job. She channeled this experience into creating a "Practical Guide for Beginners in Social Mining." This project became a significant source of pride for her, even though it initially received a low rating.

"The Beginner's Guide to Social Mining is for me the first task available to do in the DAOVERSE hub. Inspiration comes from anywhere, looking at the image that accompanies the task displayed in the hub, that's where the idea of making an image of a news narrator came from for the development of the design and creation of the video. Making a step-by-step guide is not that difficult, the challenge was making a video about it, since I had not made a video so explicit, nothing as demanding as the tasks here are. The objective of the guide is to educate, teach what and how to do to get started in Social Mining. " she recalls.

Creating a step-by-step guide was not an easy task, especially since making detailed instructional videos was outside her usual scope of work. However, her administrative background helped her organize the content logically and clearly. The guide aimed to educate new social miners on what tasks to undertake and how to complete them effectively, providing a much-needed resource for the community.

Contributing Across Different Hubs

Victoria’s contributions extended beyond a single hub. She may sometimes appear shy but most of the time she’s a Roaring Kitty, actively participating in various hubs, including Polygon and TC Hubs, each with its own unique focus and challenges.

"Each hub is different, because the tasks are focused according to the objective of the project. There is a lot of learning and there is still more to learn, the hubs are an educational channel, like a library, and if I were not here I would not have this knowledge, because it is the tasks that force me to investigate and learn. " she explains.

At Polygon Hub, Victoria engaged with tasks centered around technological advancements, such as AggLayer, a unified bridge, and the pessimistic test. Meanwhile, in TC Hub, she worked on initiatives designed to attract new developments on the network, increase participation in DeFi and games, and enhance the overall growth of the TON blockchain ecosystem.

This diverse experience taught her adaptability and the importance of understanding each project's core objectives. It also highlighted the educational potential of Social Mining hubs, which she likened to a library full of learning opportunities.

Achieving High Scores and Reputation

Victoria’s dedication and creativity shone through in the BotFather Challenge on TC Hub, where she scored over 600 points and significantly boosted her reputation.

"Making the Bots with BotFather was fun, and it took time to do it, because I wanted the bot to give the user a link when interacting with it, but doing research I realized that you need to write some code in a specific place to through something called API might work. " she says.

The challenge required participants to create bots using BotFather. Victoria aimed to make the bots provide users with links when interacted with. Although she encountered technical difficulties, her resourcefulness led her to use alternative methods to achieve her goals. Her efforts were rewarded with high points and a reputation boost, validating her hard work and innovative approach.

Staying Motivated and Maintaining Quality

Victoria’s motivation stems from her passion for what she does. Her simple yet effective approach to work has driven her continued success in Social Mining.

"Motivation comes as a consequence, I like what I do, I keep doing it, and if I don't like it I leave it, it's that simple." she notes.

Balancing her Social Mining activities with her personal life and other responsibilities required determination and time management skills. However, the support from the community and her intrinsic enjoyment of the tasks kept her motivated. Victoria’s dedication to learning and continuous improvement is evident in the quality of her work, which consistently reflects her best efforts.

Participating in the Super Smash Miner Melee

Victoria’s participation in the Super Smash Miner Melee further highlighted her commitment to the community. This competition brought together some of the most talented and dedicated social miners, and Victoria’s humble attitude and focus on enjoying the experience rather than the outcome were truly inspiring.

"When the group announced that anyone could send a pack of stickers via email, I did it quickly, I just wanted to participate, I didn't know that doing so would put me in the competition, replacing one of the miners." 

‘’I gave my best in that writing and I always had in my mind, if I pass to the 3rd round fine, and if I don't pass, it's still fine, either way I am happy and grateful for the opportunity to be in the challenge with the most outstanding miners, experienced with years in this profession. It was an honour, thank you 🙂 she reflects.

Her willingness to participate without expecting anything in return speaks volumes about her passion for Social Mining. Victoria’s approach to the competition was not about winning but about contributing, learning, and enjoying the journey alongside her fellow miners.

The Role of Community Support

Community support played a crucial role in Victoria’s journey. She often highlights the importance of the guidance and encouragement she received from mentors and fellow miners. Their feedback helped her overcome challenges and improve her work.

"The support of the community of miners is essential. Without you, nothing can be achieved. Thank you, miners," she emphasizes.

This supportive environment fostered a sense of belonging and motivation, driving Victoria to strive for excellence and continuously improve her skills.

Advice for New Social Miners

Her journey offers valuable lessons for newcomers to Social Mining and her advice is simple yet profound:

"To new users, don't stop trying. Put love into your work, learn as much as you can, and you will see the results. If I, Victoria Flores, can succeed in Social Mining, then you can too," she advises.

Victoria Flores's story is a testament to the impact of passion, dedication, and community support in the world of Social Mining. Her journey from a simple introduction to achieving significant milestones serves as an inspiration to all aspiring social miners. 

Let her story serve as a guiding light as you start on your own adventure in Social Mining. Together, let's shape the future and make meaningful contributions to this dynamic landscape!


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