Caren Castolo's take on Teaching, Motherhood, and Social Mining

Caren Castolo's take on Teaching, Motherhood, and Social Mining

Cherry Belguera.- Another journey that deeply inspires us is that of Caren Castolo, known within the DAO Labs community as @Caicay0120. 

Caren's story embodies dedication and unwavering passion. At 29 years old, she adeptly juggles her role as an ESL teacher while fulfilling her responsibilities as a devoted mother and wife in the Philippines. Her narrative unfolds as a powerful testament to discovery, overcoming challenges, and achieving remarkable success in Social Mining.

While she was navigating the demanding but rewarding landscape of Social Mining, Caren has opened out a unique path, leveraging her teaching expertise and personal experiences to excel in this innovative field. Balancing her professional commitments with her aspirations in the digital sphere, she has not only embraced the opportunities presented by Social Mining but also contributed significantly to its community. 

Caren first discovered Social Mining through a post by DAO Labs Ph on Facebook. Intrigued by the concept, she decided to explore further. "One day, I found out DAO Labs Ph on Facebook had posted some exciting news about Social Mining. Initially, I hesitated to try it, so I ignored the post. However, I messaged you the next day and asked how to join Social Mining. Shortly after, I decided to join. She recalls

At first, I struggled because I didn’t know how to use Canva and other graphic editing apps. But as I persisted, I noticed my skills improving and began to enjoy it. Overall, it has been a rewarding experience." Caren admits.

Financial Impact and Community Support

Social Mining has had a profound financial impact on Caren’s life. With her husband working as a welder and earning a modest salary, Caren's additional income from Social Mining has been crucial. 

‘’I'm happy to say that Social Mining has greatly alleviated my financial anxieties. I work as an ESL teacher at night only, since I have to take care of my 2-year-old daughter in the daytime, which means my income is limited due to fewer hours.’’ she says

‘’I’ve been able to pay our bills, cover our necessities, and even enjoy dining out with my family. I am truly grateful for the opportunities provided by DAO Labs”, she adds 

Balancing her Roles and Responsibilities

As a working mother and a teacher, Caren's days are filled with responsibilities. Her ability to balance her various roles is nothing short of remarkable. 

Caren says ‘’Here's how I manage everything: During the day, I handle housework while taking care of my baby, feeding her, playing with her, and cleaning the house. When she naps, I focus on my tasks for various hubs, creating tweets and retweets. Sometimes, in the middle of my work, she cries for milk, and I have to pause and breastfeed her.’’

“At night, my work starts at 7 PM and ends at 11:30 PM. Occasionally, my baby cries during my class, so I teach while breastfeeding her. It sounds amusing, but it's true” 

“I often feel exhausted from doing so much, but despite it all, I remain strong. I'm still a dedicated mom, a good housewife, a social miner, and a teacher. I can't give up social mining for rest because it significantly eases my financial responsibilities. That's why I am so thankful to be part of this community.’’

Within her success in juggling responsibilities serves as inspiration to others navigating similar paths, demonstrating that dedication and perseverance yield fruitful outcomes.

Achievements in Social Mining

Caren's achievements in Social Mining are noteworthy. Despite starting with little confidence in her graphic and video creation skills, she quickly excelled. 

‘’Everything was new to me when I joined social mining. So, I was amazed when I received excellent scores for my tasks in the KAVA Hub. In the KAVA Meme Fest, I earned 1,000 points and 0.1 Rep. For the USD transfer to Cosmos, I received 834 points and 0.1 Rep. Additionally, in the task, I earned 669 points and 0.05 Rep. I was thrilled with these results, and it has motivated me to keep working harder.’’

These achievements boosted her confidence and motivated her to keep improving as she recounts.

Vision for the Future of Social Mining

Caren is optimistic about the future of Social Mining in the Philippines. She believes that widespread participation could drive economic growth and promote ethical data practices.

‘’If more and more people in the Philippines participate in social mining, our economy will grow and progress.

This widespread participation can drive economic growth, enhance customer engagement, and promote ethical data practices, contributing to the overall development and prosperity of the country.’’ she said.

Her tip of Advice for Newbies

Balancing her roles such as teaching, motherhood, and Social Mining is undoubtedly challenging, but it's incredibly inspiring to see how she manages everything so gracefully. For aspiring Social Miners, Caren offers practical advice based on her experiences.

“Life's difficult. It's hard to balance being a housewife, a mom, a teacher, and a social miner. However, you should try social mining because it can help with your financial anxieties and provide a healthy environment”

“Learn the basics, join online groups, and use your teaching skills to help others. Stay organised with tools and apps, and set specific times for Social Mining so it doesn’t interfere with family and work’’, Caren says.

Caren Castolo's story exemplifies the focus and determination necessary to succeed in Social Mining. Her journey as an ESL teacher, mother, and Social Miner serves as an inspiration to individuals seeking to leverage digital platforms for personal and professional growth. Through dedication, perseverance, and community support, Caren has unlocked new opportunities and embraced the transformative potential of Social Mining.

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