A Personal Obsession with the DAO Labs Ecosystem

A Personal Obsession with the DAO Labs Ecosystem

Emmanuel Usoro (SenatorSkelz in DAOVERSE)  is a Nigerian Social Influencer. In less than a year he became one of the Top-3 contributors to the Social Mining platforms of DAO Labs, but his presence in WAX Hub is considerable. He recently published this article on Medium(reposted with his authorization), illustrating his Social Mining Journey, giving hints to others on how to turn the Social and digital activity into something fun and profitable. 

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

UE.- You know, when I first heard about this whole “Social Mining” thing, I was pretty skeptical, and I’m being totally honest. It all sounded a bit too good to be true — Getting rewards just for being an engaged community member? Sign me up… - , but… Sign ME up for WHAT exactly? 

Well, I can now say from first-hand experience that Social Mining is the real deal.

It’s innovative, it’s impactful, and most importantly, it works. Let me explain how it made a huge difference for me personally. I’ve been interested in Crypto for years, like many of you I’m sure. But actually getting involved in any kind of meaningful way was tough. The technical learning curve is massive, not to mention the costs of things like mining rigs or even just buying Crypto itself. It felt like this exciting new frontier was just out of reach for an average person like myself.

Then I discovered DAO Labs and their flagship Social Mining platform DAOVERSE through  WAX Hub (another social mining platform under the company). Suddenly, I had a way to contribute and earn crypto just by putting in effort and sharing my knowledge through content creation with other people around the world. No crazy hardware or deep pockets required! This is Incredible! 

The first few weeks, I just kind of felt my way around. Completed some simple tasks, and engaged with the community. Very low risk, but I was immediately struck by how welcoming and passionate everyone was. These were people who genuinely loved what they were doing. But trust me: Once you get into it, it’s anything but boring. It’s actually kind of addicting in the best way possible. 


As I gained confidence, I started taking on bigger tasks that really allowed me to flex my skills. Writing creative content, designing graphics, even some light video creation. And let me tell you, there’s no greater feeling than getting upvoted by your peers and earning legit crypto rewards for your contributions. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stayed up late into the night working on community tasks, or gotten lost for hours down the social mining rabbit hole. There’s just something so fulfilling and dare I say…fun about it all.

It has been incredibly motivating and validating. For one of the first times, I felt like I was part of an ecosystem that actually valued my input instead of just extracting value from me. The more I put in, the more I got out. Such a simple but powerful concept!

More than anything though, Social Mining showed me the power of community incentives. These are like-minded people from across the globe passionate about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, DAOs, community-building. You name it. 

Pretty soon, I was full-blown obsessed. Any free moment I had, I was on DAOVERSE participating in some way, shape or form. Making connections, having great discussions, always learning. It reignited my passion for crypto and the incredible potential of decentralized technologies.

These days, DAOVERSE and the whole DAOLabs ecosystem comprises WAX HUB, KAVA HUB, Polygon HUB, TC HUB (for TON), and Avalanche HUB

Working as a Social Miner is now a core part of my life. I’ve built a Reputation as a respected contributor especially in WAX Hub. I’ve had opportunities to work on initiatives I care deeply about. And of course, I’ve earned a nice little crypto stash that’s continuing to grow. Not a bad deal at all. 


More than anything though, Social Mining showed me the power of community incentives. These are like-minded people from across the globe passionate about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, DAOs, community-building. You name it. 

The DAOLabs bring all together a global collective of people and give them a real stake in a common mission — that’s the key to driving change. It creates this incredible flywheel effect where everybody wins when they collaborate towards a shared goal.

For somebody who had been on the outside looking in for years, social mining and DAOVERSE were the differences that allowed me to finally take part in this brave new world of Crypto and DAOs. 

If you’re in any way interested in being part of the revolution, I’d highly encourage checking it out. Who knows where your social mining journey could take you? 

Original on Medium: https://medium.com/@usoroemmanuelabasi/social-mining-can-make-a-difference-0d84bb9aa5d7


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